Pixel Federation is an independent game studio from Slovakia. Our main focus is transportation and puzzle
free-to-play mobile games. During the past year, we strengthened our position within the transportation games segment with the successful launch of the sequel of the well-known TrainStation game, TrainStation 2.
Diggy’s Adventure, our top-grossing game, also grew and that added up to a 53% revenue increase in Q1-Q2 2020.
Pixel Federation certainly isn’t coming out of nowhere. In fact, we have been building our way up for the past
13 years. After a short decline in revenue in 2019, we came back strong in Q1-Q2 2020 with revenue hitting
23m €, compared to 15m € in Q1-Q2 2019.
Financial results of Q1-Q2 2020
As far as the revenue goes, fulfilling the plan for 2020 of 39,4m € seems more than realistic to achieve.
During the first 6 months of 2020, Pixel Federation has managed to hit 23m € which is already over 58%
of revenue planned for the year.
In Q1-Q2 2020, Diggy’s Adventure brought in 10,6m € alone. Seaport meanwhile picked up 4,67m € in the first half of the year, and Trainstation 2 surpassed 4,72m €.
In January 2020, the newest title TrainStation 2almost doubled its revenue compared to December 2019
and continued with huge success reaching the 1m € revenue milestone in May. Thanks to the major graphical changes in the so-called Construction event, tutorial rework, and time-limited event offers, the title continues
to grow in outstanding numbers.

Over the past years, our team has grown to 212 employees. A handful of them are working for a newly established R&D department.
R&D department
Even the pandemic couldn’t stand against establishing a brand new R&D department which is responsible for the acceleration of Pixel Federation’s innovative efforts. The goal is to discover “The next big thing” – the game with more than 20m revenue a year.
The question remains when the sequel of the hugely successful title of the studio Diggy’s Adventure will launch since it has been in the pipeline already for some time now. According to the very few graphics leaked, the game should be in 3D graphics.
Pandemic measures and helping Slovakia
When COVID-19 hit Slovakia at the beginning of March, we immediately implemented a home-office policy for all employees along with other safety measures. Moreover, CEO Simon Sicko teamed up with Slovak health experts, IT team, and volunteers and initiated a platform of direct financial and material help to healthcare facilities called Kto Pomoze Slovensku (Who will help Slovakia). Overall, the platform managed to fundraise over 1,3m €.
Despite the unpleasant global situation, so far 2020 has been a success for Pixel Federation.
Let’s see what the upcoming months will bring for us.