Slovenskí žiaci a študenti budú spoločne so Jeanom-Michelom Jarre meniť svet. Do súťaže sa zapojilo vyše 60 škôl

Nadácia ESET a občianske združenie BUILD Slovensko, pod záštitou Ministerstva školstva Slovenskej republiky, spustili celoslovenskú súťaž „PBL Výzva: Spoločne meníme svet“. Jej ambasádorom sa stala legenda elektronickej hudby, Jean-Michel Jarre. Pilotný ročník výzvy prinášajú Nadácia ESET…

86k trees planted thanks to Pixel Federation’s players during Green Game Jam 2022

Did you know that the gaming industry reaches 1 in 3 people on the planet? For this reason the Playing for the Planet Alliance was launched in 2019 during the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit. The initiative is facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and aims to help the gaming industry to reduce its carbon emissions and to support the global environmental agenda through green activations in games. With more than 3 billion gamers playing worldwide, developers have great potential to raise awareness of the devastating effects of climate change.